Holistic strategy development involving the organization builds the foundation for successful execution. Using a powerful and yet easy to understand strategic model we coach and challenge your organization through the strategy development. This builds the foundation for a strategy that is based on the full knowledge of your market and challenged by new ways of thinking based on our experience and analysis. The outcome will be a strategy owned and aligned by your functions including a committed roll-out plan

VALUE-BASED Business Development
If you don’t understand your customer value and how to leverage it in a fast paced marketplace you risk loosing business to inferior competitors or be pushed into price reductions. Many companies moving into to new business-models struggle with value-based sales because it requires a new way of working, new skills and new system support. You can significantly increase your revenue and growth by value based sales, product development and pricing methods. We have long experience in this and can support you with mapping current situation, identify and developing areas needed in your offering and sales capabilities and to build a systems for continuous improvement.

Addressing supply, internal process waste and product cost efficiency as a full value chain or as separate parts. Targeting to improve service levels, reduce inventory, product and production cost. Our experience is that decoupling between functions is the fundamental issue and that the creation of empowered cross-functional teams for aligned execution is critical. The right processes, tools and data structure for fact based decisions are facilitators.

Succeeding with Innovation
Managing Innovation to stay ahead can be challenging for all organizations. In the current dynamic market place with new technologies and legislations it is, however, more important than ever. In particular, sustainability will be a game-changer. The concept of circular economy will become central for upholding the need for products using less natural resources. This will need completely new business models and render many of the existing as obsolete. Failure to stay on par or ahead of the development can prove catastrophic. Taking lead on the other hand will pose an opportunity. We have experience from developing new and innovative market and product strategies for services and solutions for leadership in the circular economy.

Building High Performing Teams
In the fast developing market climate it is crucial to be fast and agile. Top controlled decisions and governance is to slow, especially in large organizations. Empowered and highly efficient cross-functional teams close to the business is the most efficient way to manage dynamic challenges. Teambuilding, competence, tools and way of working are important enablers. We have experience and can build tailored training for your teams on all levels.

When it comes to implementing and rolling out strategic initiatives that involves change it can be beneficial to engage external support in project and program management. To start with an external project leader is neutral without political agenda which gives freedom to drive in a different way. Also competence from driving change projects is not always existing within the organization. Last, but not least it is a matter of resources. One major reason for failed change projects is lack of resources to drive. We can provide all three of the above to secure a fast, quality secured and risk managed project execution.